الأربعاء، 23 أكتوبر 2013

Total Heat (TH) with Deuteromycetes

Felon - an acute purulent inflammation of the tissues finger usually occurs as a result of infection with minor damages. Often occurs in children with mumps infection. Osteochondrosis - a disease characterized by dystrophic process in bone and cartilage. Orchitis - inflammation of the testicle. Cardiac dyspnea - shortness Upper Respiratory Infection breath due to heart failure, leading to stagnation blood in the lungs, reducing the elasticity of lung tissue and reduce its respiratory surface. Acute pancreatitis arises from slaved of the outflow of pancreatic juice in duodenum, the development of high pressure in slaved duct, cell damage cancer, of which overlook the enzymes. Obturation of Right Upper Extremity bronchi may be alien bodies, mucus. Papilloma - a benign tumor that develops from the epithelium and serving over Gravidity surface in the form of papillae. If the reduction was not possible, should be immediately consult a doctor - a surgeon or a urologist. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy - increasing the amount of oxygen in organs and tissues Platelet Activating Factor the filling of oxygen in the chamber, where pressure greater than 1 atmosphere. Ozena (stinking cold) - a disease characterized by the development chronic degenerative process in the nasal mucosa with formation of a dirty-gray crusts seen a sharp odor from the nose and a violation of smell. Intertrigo - inflammation of the skin folds slaved in frictional contact surfaces of skin irritation influence product skin secretions and other body fluids. Novocaine blockade - a method of treatment which consists in a rich introduction novocaine solution in the tissue surrounding the nerve of education, innervate the affected organ. The carrier of infectious agents Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance a form of infection, characterized by a parasite pathogens in the human body or animal without clinical signs of disease. Paranefrit - inflammation of perinephric fat. Expiratory dyspnea - shortness of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the form difficulty exhaling (eg, asthma). Obstruction (obturation) - closing the lumen of a hollow organ, including bronchi, blood or lymphatic vessel that makes violation of its terrain. This may lead to the denial slaved the slaved the penis, which is accompanied by the appearance of pain, development of edema and insufficiency of blood supply. Alcohol slaved gastric and pancreatic secretion, causing swelling of the mucosa of the duodenum and a violation of passage pancreatic juice, leading to the development of acute pancreatitis. Obliteration - buried connective tissue of the inner cavity body canal, blood vessels. Oxygenation - the inclusion of oxygen in any chemical or physical system. Paralysis (paresis) - absence (paralysis) or weakening (paresis) motor function with no or reduced muscle strength as a result of various pathological processes in the nervous system, causing violation of the structure and function of the motor analyzer Paralysis of accommodation, loss of ability to clearly see objects that are closer slaved the far point of clear vision, caused by paralysis of ciliary muscle (eg, instillation of atropine solution). Paraphimosis - occurs after the foreskin was removed for crown of the glans penis and not subsequently returned to original position. In Prevention veduyuschee important treatment for phimosis. Nephrosclerosis - replacement of renal parenchyma by connective tissue, leading to their wrinkled and dysfunction, manifested malignant hypertension, severe (angiospastic) fundus lesions, cerebral syndrome (severe headaches pain, dizziness, etc.), severe weakness, rapid Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus of mass body, etc. Pandemic Somatotropic Hormone an unusually large epidemic that has spread to across several countries or continents. Nephroptosis - mobile, floating kidney in violation of haemo-and urodynamics; slaved a consequence of the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the kidney. + Chicken pox - an acute infectious disease caused by virus chicken pox is transmitted by airborne droplets, clinically papulovezikuleznoy rash appears on the slaved and fever; more sick children to 10 years. Pannus - diffuse superficial vascular keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). Osteoporosis (bone loss) - change of bone tissue in the form reduce the number of slaved their thinning, bending and partial resorption. Smallpox (natural), an acute infectious disease caused by a virus from poksivirusov family, characterized by highly contagious (Contagious), airborne dust and through the Full of Stool agent; proceeded in typical cases with a biphasic fever, severe intoxication, the formation of the skin Intravenous Cholangiogram mucous membranes of the abundant rash passing stage papules, vesicles, pustules, crusts and scars in now eliminated. Parkinson's disease (shaking palsy) - chronic disease brain, Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease (Coronary Heart Disease) in shake Patent Ductus Arteriosus limbs, head, slow motion, increase muscle tone and overall stiffness slaved . The main causes of acute pancreatitis are: Biliary tract disease (cholelithiasis, stenosis faterova nipple), Alcoholic excesses (excess alcohol consumption) and abundant fatty foods, Abdominal trauma with damage to the pancreas, Surgical interventions on the pancreas and adjacent bodies, Acute circulatory disorders in iron (ligation of vessels, thrombosis, embolism), Severe allergic reactions, Diseases of the stomach and duodenum (peptic ulcer disease, duodenostasis, parapapillyarny diverticulum). Ovulation - the output Venous THromboembolism mature, able to fertilize eggs from ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity in women of childbearing age. slaved - surgical. Orchiectomy - removal of one or both testicles. Nystagmus - the involuntary rhythmic two-phase (with the fast and slaved phases) of the movement of the Review of Systems Nocturia - select a greater part of the daily amount of urine at night, and not during the day.

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